Frequently asked questions

1) How do I update diaries to show public holidays?

You must have Administrator permissions in order to do this. Click on customise a day in the diary to find out how to customise a day in diary as a public holiday.

2) How do I find a list of current active users?

You must have Administrator permissions in order to do this. Click on view the total number of active users to view information on active users.

3) I do not want conflicts to be displayed. Can I switch off the display of conflicts?

Yes, you can but you must have Administrator permissions in order to do this. Click on enable/disable the display of conflicts to view further information.

4) How do I select the fields that are displayed on the booking bar?

Click on control the fields that are displayed to view information on selecting the fields that are displayed on the booking bar.

5) How do I control the amount of information displayed on the booking bar?

Click on control display density to view how to control information displayed on the booking bars.

6) How do I reorder the fields displayed on the booking bar?

Click on reorder fields to view information on reordering fields on the booking bar.

7) How do I look up the meaning of a term that I do not understand?

Click on glossary to view meanings of terms that you do not understand. If there is any term missing which you would like to see included, get in touch.

8) I want to use different terms for Jobs/Resources/Bookings/Clients. For example, I want to refer to 'Jobs' as 'Projects' within the system. Can I do that?

Yes, but you will need Administrator permissions to do that. You can call Jobs/Resources/Bookings/Clients by any other term(s) of your choice by creating an alias. See create an alias for further details.

9) Can I display different booking types in different colours?

Yes, but you will need Administrator permissions to do that. See set up a different booking colour scheme for further details.

10) How do I add/edit/delete values that are displayed in lists. For example, I want to add 'New York' to the Locations list.

You must have Administrator permissions in order to do this. See how to set up values in display lists.

11) I would like to customise resource details. For example, I would like to display Grade and Location but do not wish to display Mobile Phone for every resource.

You can choose the details to display for every resource.

12) How do I reorder fields that are displayed in the booking bar?

You can reorder fields displayed in the booking bar.

13) I want to limit the amount of information displayed on the booking bars. How can I do this?

You can control the amount of information that is displayed on the booking bars by clicking on the Bars icon. See how to do this here.

14) I am trying to create a booking but I do not know what 'loading' means.

Loading indicates the percentage of work time that has been spent on the booking. The default value is 100%.

15) What is the difference between (1),(2) and (3) below? I'm a bit confused.

(1) is used to search for or filter a resource.

(2) is used to choose details to display in the resource column

(3) is used to sort the resource column based on the selected field.

16) Why do the 'Created/Updated by' fields sometimes display "Resource not found"?

This happens when:

  • A resource has been deleted
  • The associated booking/job/resource/client existed prior to the introduction of these system fields

17) Why do the 'Created/Updated on' fields sometimes display "Date not found"?

This happens for bookings/resources/clients/jobs that existed prior to the introduction of these system fields.