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A booking represents an allocation of a resource to a job for a specific date range and for a number of measurable hours.

A booking needs:

  • Job: every booking must be made against a job.
  • Assigned to (optional): the resource that is booked
    • If left blank, an unassigned booking will be created that can be assigned at a later date
    • This field can be made mandatory if needed
  • Date range: A start and end date for the booking
  • Time allocation: % resource capacity or number of hours to be booked

Booking Status

The Booking status field determines how booking bars appear and whether or not bookings count for certain calculations:

  • Planned:
    • Booked time is deducted from resource availability
    • Booked time contributes towards resource utilisation (unless the Job is set to exclude bookings from utilisation)
    • Booked time affects the financial calculations for the individual booking and the Job Total calculations (for all bookings on a Job)
  • Unconfirmed:
    • Booked time is excluded from availability and utilisation
    • Booked time only affects the financial calculations for the individual booking, and is excluded from the Job Total calculations (for all bookings on a Job)
    • Conflict calculations

Booking Bars

Bookings are displayed visually by means of booking bars in plans.

Planned bookings appear with a solid fill, while Unconfirmed bookings appear with just an outline.

The colour of booking bars is determined by the colour scheme. This colour codes your bookings based on the selected Job, Resource or Booking fields.

To view the Legend:

Select Bars → Legend from the top menu or press L on the keyboard while viewing a plan.

Booking Financial Calculations

Financial calculations for a booking such as Cost, Revenue and Profit are determined by a combination of the Charge Rate of the resource who is working on the booking and the Charge Type of the job.

See Cost & Revenue for details on these calculations work.