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Maintain resources

Search for (or filter) a resource


The list of available filter fields can be configured by an Admin user.

  1. Click Planner from the left navigation menu and then select the Resources tab
  2. If the filter pane is not visible, click Filters to display the filter pane
  3. Click the Resource arrow on the Filter Pane. A list will dropdown
  4. Select the criteria from the dropdown to search for resources. (You can also search for a criteria by typing it in the dropdown text box and then selecting it from the dropdown). For example, if you want to search for a resource using the Grade, then select Grade from the dropdown list and then enter a value for Grade, for example, And Grade is Junior. If you want to add another criteria, you can use the AND and/or OR logical operators, for example, And Grade is Junior AND Location is London. Records will be filtered based on the values you enter
  5. Click Apply
  6. List of resources matching the selected criteria is displayed

Find resources for a job

You can quickly find resources to view their information and fulfil staffing requirements.

Find resources based on criteria

  1. On the planner, click Find Resources

  2. Select and apply the criteria to filter by clicking Add filter and/or the + for criteria listed on the top

  3. You can further filter by date range by selecting the dates
  4. List of resources satisfying the criteria will be displayed
  5. Select a resource and click Create Booking to create a booking or Create role by name to create a role by name

View resource availability for the current day

  1. Click Planner from the left navigation menu
  2. Select Resources
  3. Navigate to the specific resource that you are interested in
  4. Click Today. The jobs that the resource is allocated to for the current day and their availability for the current day is displayed
  5. The visible date range will change depending on the value selected in the date dropdown

Add a resource

Resources can only added by an user with Admin permissions. See add a new active user to add new resources.

Edit a resource

Edit a resource with a click

  1. Click Planner from the left navigation menu and then select Resources
  2. Click the name of the resource that you wish to edit. A pane will be displayed
  3. Click Edit. A popup is displayed
  4. Edit the resource details
  5. Save changes


When editing the resource, if the client you are searching for does not exist, you can create a new client by clicking on + New Client button. For example, you search for a Client called 'ABC' via Client and it does not exist, you can create a new client called 'ABC' by clicking on + New Client.

Edit a resource via user management

Resources can be edited via user management only by a user with Admin permissions. See edit an active user to edit resources/active users.

Attach documents

Documents can be attached to a resource when editing the resource and also via their Talent Profile. See Upload and Attach documents for more detail on uploading and attaching documents.