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Work with public plans

View public plans

  1. Select Planner from the left navigation bar
  2. Click on the name of your plan to reveal the Plan menu. The public plans in the most recent list display a public icon after them
  3. Click Public Plans on the Plan menu
  4. Click on the name of your public plan to view.

Edit a public plan


You can edit public plans only if:

  • You are the author

  • You have the edit all plans permissions set in the administration settings

  • The public plan is set to 'edit access'

To edit a public plan:

  1. View your public plan

  2. Make the necessary changes

  3. Click Save changes to public or Save as a new plan from the Plan menu

Manage your public plans

Managing your public plans, allows you to make a public copy, make a private copy, move to private, rename or delete a public plan.

  1. Select Planner from the left navigation menu

  2. Click on the name of your plan to reveal the Plan menu

  3. Select Manage my plans from the Plan menu

Rename a public plan

  1. Manage your public plans

  2. Click on the ellipses next to the plan that you want to rename

  3. Select Rename on the menu that is displayed. The plan name now becomes editable

  4. Rename the plan

  5. Press Enter or select the tick next to the plan name to save the plan with a new name

Make a public copy of the public plan

A public copy of your public plan is simply a copy of the existing plan that can be viewed by general, active users of your organisation.

  1. Manage your public plans

  2. Click on the ellipses next to the plan that you want to you want to make a public copy of

  3. Select Make a public copy

  4. Select whether you want the copy to be read-only or editable and click Copy Plan

  5. A new public copy of the plan is created

Make a private copy of the public plan

  1. Manage your public plans

  2. Click on the ellipses next to the plan that you want to make a private copy of

  3. Select Make a private copy

  4. A new private copy of the plan is created

Change a public plan to private

Note: You must be the author of the plan in order to perform this action.

  1. Manage your public plans

  2. Click on the ellipses next to the plan that you want to you want to move to private

  3. Select Move to private

  4. Confirm by selecting Make plan private

Delete a public plan

Note: You must be the author of the plan and have full edit access

  1. Manage your public plans

  2. Click on the ellipses next to the plan that you want to you want to delete

  3. Click Delete

  4. Confirm by selecting Yes, delete the plan