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Set up the security

Understand security profiles

A security profile is a set of rights and restrictions that can be associated with a user or group of users. The security profile determines the actions (such as viewing, creating, editing and deleting) that a user can perform on jobs, resources, clients, roles, scenarios and bookings.

Understand default security profiles

The following security profiles have been created by default for you:

  • System Administrator
  • People Manager
  • Job Planner
  • General User
  • Viewer
Security Profile Description Functional access Planning data access
System Administrator Default security profile for a user creating a new organisation. Access to all functionality. Has permissions to change user settings and reset passwords of other accounts. Has permissions to create, view, edit and delete data for all jobs, resources, booking and clients.
People Manager For human resource (HR) staff allowing management of resources without significant access to jobs and bookings. Access to the planner. Access to the admin functionality for user management. No access to the job manager. Create (invite), view, edit and delete permissions for all resources. Read-only access to booking, client and job entities.
Job Planner Allows user (s) to manage jobs, bookings and assign bookings to resources. Access to the planner, including creating, editing and deleting public plans. Access the job manager and resource profiles to facilitate planning bookings and assigning resources. Create, view, edit and delete permissions for bookings, clients and jobs. No permission for creating (inviting) new resources as adding new active users could change the cost of the application.
General User Default profile for new users joining/being invited to an organisation. Access to the planner and resource profiles. No access to the job manager. Create, edit and delete bookings for themselves on any job via the planner. No permission to make changes to the jobs and client details.
Viewer Intended for users that require visibility of plans but are not working on or managing jobs. Access to the planner and resource profiles. Read-only access to jobs, resources, clients and bookings. Can edit their own profile page.

Set up functional security

Defines the following:

Control access to specific pages via a Security Profile

Allows you to control access to specific pages.


If you want to restrict access to editing reports for certain users:

  1. Create a Security Profile
  2. Switch off access to edit reports (see the steps below)
  3. Users belonging to this Security Profile will no longer be able to edit reports

  1. Select Settings → Security profiles from the left navigation bar. A list of security profiles will be displayed
  2. Select a security profile for which you are setting up access or select Add an item to add a new profile by filling in the requisite details
  3. The General tab is selected by default
  4. Control access by selecting either a Yes or No for the relevant page under General. For example, if you select No for User Management, then this security profile will not have access to User Management. Users that belong to this security profile will not have access to User Management


When the top-level access is set to No, all the sub levels are also set to No and vice-versa.

Control actions performed on Planning Data via the Security Profile using pre-defined conditions

Allows you to control access to creating, editing, deleting and visibility (reading) of planning data via a Security Profile by using pre-defined conditions. For resources, only edit and visibility access can be controlled. Users' access to creating/editing/deleting/reading of entities is controlled via the security profile that they belong to. Using pre-defined conditions to control access can be restrictive because you can only use the pre-defined conditions. For more control, you may create custom conditions and to create further complex rules, you may write your own JSON.


Resources (or users) are controlled within the Admin settings for user licences.

  1. Select Settings → Security profile from the left navigation menu. A list of security profiles will be displayed
  2. Select a security profile for which you are setting up access
  3. Select a tab, for example, Job
  4. Control read access to jobs by selecting a relevant option from the drowdown
  5. Control create, edit, delete access by selecting the relevant toggle for the relevant operation. For example, select Yes for Create jobs to allow creation of jobs
  6. If you select Yes then a dropdown with pre-defined options will be visible
  7. Select the relevant option from the dropdown. For example, if you select Only jobs they manage, then users who belong to the selected Security Profile will be able to create jobs only for the resources they manage
  8. Save Changes

Also see, control read access to planning data

Control actions performed on Planning Data via the Security Profile using custom conditions

Set custom conditions for the Read, Create, Edit and Delete operations using AND/OR conditions. Using a predefined condition is restrictive as you can only use conditions that have been pre-defined. Custom conditions give you more control over the security rules.

  1. Select Settings → Security profile from the left navigation menu. A list of security profiles will be displayed
  2. Select a security profile for which you are setting up access
  3. Select a tab, for example, Client
  4. Select the Create custom condition option to create custom conditions by selecting values from Field (includes custom and calculated fields), Operator, Value type and Value. Also see understand value type
  5. Add And or Or conditions as necessary (you may add upto 3 OR conditions and upto 3 AND conditions)
  6. Custom condition rows can be deleted by clicking the trash icon to the right of each row
  7. Confirm changes

Understand value type

You may select the following options as value type:

  • Blank: the Value option will not be displayed (condition is met if the field has no value)
  • Logged-in user value which will be equal to the value of the logged-in user
  • Selected values: A Value dropdown is displayed from which you can select values to use in custom and JSON conditions(condition is met if the field value matches the values set in the Value column). A maximum of 10 values can be selected

See fields to understand Look-up and other fields



  • You can use the same field multiple times for each OR condition
  • For Look-up field type, you can select multiple values for the Value field, and for Boolean or Whole number field types, you can select a single value for the Value field
  • Custom fields also appear as values
  • For bookings and roles, you can specify custom conditions on top of the read conditions set for jobs and resources
  • The following are not supported in custom conditions and JSON rules:
    • Plain text/Formatted text fields
    • History fields

Control read access to planning data

If you have high volumes of data or confidential data you wish to hide, then you can control access to this data by applying read restrictions.

You can apply read restrictions using the pre-defined and custom conditions for Jobs and Resources. You can apply custom conditions on top of read conditions set for Jobs and Resources for Roles and Bookings. You cannot set Read restrictions for Clients and Scenarios.

A few points to note:

  • you can restrict the visibility of certain jobs and resources
  • you will always be able to see the jobs you are booked on
  • visibility of certain bookings and roles will be dependent on the read security of the parent Job or Resource, but you can set custom conditions on top of this
  • read security takes precedence over other security rules. For example, if you do not have read, you will not have edit, delete and create
  • the status of a job/resource does not affect visibility
  • for Only jobs they manage, you will only see jobs where you are the Job manager. If no value is set, the job will be hidden
  • all calculated fields take hidden fields into calculations. For example, even if Job B is hidden, any bookings on Job B are still counted for calculated field values such as availability and utilisation
  • conflicts will display even if a job is hidden


Ensure that there is at least one security profile who can see everything so that unassigned bookings or roles are not lost.

Also see, mark a job as confidential

Specify complex security conditions using JSON

The pre-defined and custom conditions options can be restrictive. To get full control of the security rules you can create custom JSON rules. For example, if you want the logged-in user to edit a job only if the associated client has set themselves as the 'client account manager' custom field, you can do so by specifying complex security conditions using JSON (as used in the API) to build more sophisticated rules that require multi-level links.

JSON rules are intended for advanced users. Use at your own risk.

- Custom JSON rules can lead to a performance hit
- Misconfiguration of JSON rules may lead to instability issues

To set the JSON rules:

  1. Select a security profile
  2. Select an entity
  3. Select Specify custom JSON rule (these appear for Read, Create, Edit, Delete security cards)
  4. Paste or type your JSON rule in the area that opens up
  5. You may validate and test your JSON automatically by clicking away from the text area or manually via the API Portal link
  6. Confirm your changes by clicking Confirm changes. See the examples that follow


  • Field names used in JSON rules are case sensitive and should be written exactly as they appear
  • Any JSON rule should be definite inside the subfilters only

The following list of operators can be used:

  • Equals
  • GreaterThan
  • GreaterThanOrEqual
  • LessThan
  • LessThanOrEqual
  • In
  • Range
  • Assigned -->not null
  • Unassigned --> null
  • isNot is used for "Doesn't equal"


Not all operators work with all field types.


Single rule

   "filterGroupOperator": "And",
   "filterLines": [],
   "subFilters": [
         "filterGroupOperator": "Or",
         "filterLines": [
               "field": "_field_name_",
               "operator": "GreaterThan",
               "isNot": false,
               "value": 6

Multiple rule

   "filterGroupOperator": "And",
   "filterLines": [],
   "subFilters": [
         "filterGroupOperator": "Or",
         "filterLines": [
               "field": "_field_name_",
               "operator": "GreaterThan",
               "isNot": false,
               "value": 6
               "field": "_field_name_",
               "operator": "GreaterThanOrEqual",
               "isNot": false,
               "value": "RELATIVE_DATE.0"

Combining AND OR rules

  "filterGroupOperator": "And",
  "filterLines": [],
  "subFilters": [
      "filterGroupOperator": "Or",
      "filterLines": [
          "field": "_field_name_",
          "operator": "GreaterThan",
          "isNot": false,
          "value": 6
          "field": "_field_name_",
          "operator": "GreaterThanOrEqual",
          "isNot": false,
          "value": "RELATIVE_DATE.0"
      "filterGroupOperator": "Or",
      "filterLines": [
          "field": "_field_name_",
          "operator": "GreaterThanOrEqual",
          "isNot": false,
          "value": "RELATIVE_DATE.0"

Configure a security profile to only show the bookings of the logged-in resource

The following example will only display the records of the resource who is logged in (booking_resource_guid which is equal to LOGGED_IN_USER_VALUE).

   "filterGroupOperator": "And",
   "filterLines": [],
   "subFilters": [
         "filterGroupOperator": "Or",
         "filterLines": [
               "field": "booking_resource_guid",
               "operator": "Equals",
               "isNot": false,
               "value": "LOGGED_IN_USER_VALUE"
         "subFilters": null

An invalid JSON rule

In this example, In is used as an operator. This is invalid, as In can only be used in conjunction with multiple values in an array. This example only has a single value. This incorrect rule for booking_end could be corrected by using GreaterThanOrEqual or LessThanOrEqual as the operator.

filterLines": [
               "field": "booking_end",
               "operator": "In",
               "isNot": false,
               "value": "RELATIVE_DATE.0"

This example has multiple values. In is used with an array of GUIDs which is a valid way to use the operator.

"filterLines": [
          "field": "booking_resource_guid",
          "operator": "In",
          "isNot": false,
          "value": [

Set up field-level access

Control access to Booking/Jobs/Resources/Client fields with three access levels:

  • Edit: Field is visible and contents are editable. This is the default access level
  • Read only: Field and its contents are visible but not editable
  • Hidden: Field is hidden (Fields will not be hidden from Admin Settings → Fields and from Plans → Themes)


The above restrictions cannot be applied to Resource status as it is used to manage active users.

If Edit access has been turned off, selecting Editable for the field will have no effect on the field access.

A warning message is displayed if you select Read only or Hidden for mandatory fields.

System Required fields will not display the Hidden option.

System Readonly field cannot be made Editable.

To set up field-level access:

  1. Select Settings -> Security profile from the left navigation menu. A list of security profiles will be displayed
  2. Select a security profile for which you are setting up access
  3. Select the entity - Booking/Client/Job/Resources. Resource has been selected for this example
  4. Fields belonging to Resource will be displayed under the section Resource fields
  5. Each field will have a Field Name which is the field alias and an Access level which displays the current field access level
  6. Click the arrow and then select one from Edit/Read only/Hidden for the field