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Role templates

Save commonly used criteria roles as templates or use templates to create new criteria roles with pre-defined information already filled in.

Create a template for criteria roles

Save existing roles as a template

  1. Select a role. You can view and select a role from the Roles Inbox, Planner or the Jobs page
  2. Select Save as template from the Actions menu or from the 3-dot menu (from the Roles inbox, Planner or the Jobs page)
  3. Enter a name for the template
  4. Click Save


  • Multiple roles cannot be saved to a template, as a template holds the information of a single role
  • The template retains information of the role even if the role is deleted or archived
  • You may create a template based on an existing role created either by you or by another resource

Create a new template from scratch

  1. Select Manage role templates (this can be done from: Jobs page Add role menu, Planner page Edit top menu or Roles inbox page Edit top menu)
  2. Select New Template on the Manage role templates popup. The following popup will be displayed:

  3. Enter the fields in the popup

  4. Create template button will be enabled after requirements are added to the Must meet section
  5. Click Create template


  • The template creation dialog will open after the + New Template button is clicked
  • Create template button will be disabled until requirements are added to the Must meet section
  • Role name and Role description fields do not need to be filled to create a new role template

Create a criteria role from a template

See Create a criteria role from a template

Manage templates

To manage or browse existing templates:

  1. Select Manage role templates from the Jobs page Add role menu, Roles inbox page Edit top menu or Planner page Edit top menu
  2. An alphabetically ordered list of existing templates will be displayed. Click on a template to pre-view the template details
  3. Click the 3-dot menu beside the template to rename or delete it