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Understand past records

A record is regarded as past if it has no current or future bookings. Current bookings are the bookings that start on the current day or are still in progress on the current day. Past jobs, roles and resources may be hidden from view.


Bookings that have been hidden from view because of filters that have been applied are not considered past.

Understand future records

A future record is one that only has bookings that start after the last date in the visible date range. Future records are not concerned with the status of a booking (Planned/Unconfirmed) only the dates of the booking. See the diagram below. There are three bookings that start after the last date of VDR (Visible date range). However, some records (second from last and third from last in the diagram) have a booking that started before the VDR and therefore will not be considered a future record. The diagram has only one one record with a booking that started after the last date of the VDR and hence only one future record.

Show or hide

Show or hide past/future jobs

  1. Click the Resources tab
  2. Select Show Jobs from the top menu
  3. Move the slider to Show or Hide for Past or Future jobs as needed. Past jobs will have the term "past" appended to the end of their name

Show or hide past/future resources

  1. Click the Jobs tab on the top menu
  2. Select the Show Resources top menu
  3. Move the slider to Show or Hide for Past or Future jobs as needed. Past resources will have the term "past" appended to the end of their name


If future jobs/resources are hidden:

- The user adjusts the last date of the visible date range or scrolls the grid so that a booking now falls within that range, that record would then be shown in the grid
- The user adjusts the last date of the visible date range or scrolls the grid so that the last booking of a record starts after the last date in the visible date range, that record would be hidden.
- If the last day in the visible date range is a weekend e.g. Sunday and then the user turns off weekends, the last day in the visible date range would then be the Friday. Any bookings that started on the Saturday or Sunday would then be regarded as happening after the last day of the visible date range

Show or hide roles/requested roles/draft roles

  1. Select the Show Resources or Show Jobs top menu. A menu drops down. See this screenshot for reference
  2. Slide the Show/Hide button as needed

Roles are hidden by default. Roles inherit job/resource settings. For example, if future resources or future jobs are hidden, then future roles will also be hidden.


The toggles that you choose will be saved in your Plans.

Show or hide unassigned rows

Unassigned rows on the Planner are hidden by default in both Resource and Job view.

Select the Show filter (top menu) on the Planner page and then toggle Unassigned rows to show/hide unassigned rows.

Show or hide inactive resources

Inactive resources on the Planner and Table view are hidden by default in both Resource and Job view.

Select Show (top menu) on the Planner/Table view page and then toggle Inactive resources to show/hide inactive resources.

Show or hide labels on bars

See show/hide labels on bars.