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The interface

The main interface is shown below. View the information besides each number to understand the corresponding feature. You may also take a look at the glossary to look up any term that you do not understand. The main screenshot on this page will be updated periodically.


The terms displayed on the left navigation bar are editable by your Administrator. Your Administrator may choose terms that are commonly referred to by your organisation. These terms may be different from those that are displayed here. For example, 'Talent' instead of 'Resource', or 'Project' instead of 'Job'.

1: Collapse

Collapses the left side bar. This maximises the space available to you. Collapsing the left side bar displays the icons without displaying the associated text.

2: Plans

Displays the full view - your plan, which includes your bookings and associated jobs, resources and roles.

3: Jobs

Opens the main Jobs interface.

4: Talent Profile

Opens your talent profile. Similar to a profile that you create on social media, talent profiles are used to manage and display information about a resource’s professional skills, certifications, experience, work history and more. They can be useful to those who are trying to find a qualified resource to take on a specific role or responsibility.

5: Reports

Generates a report of all your data.

6: Settings

This option can be used by Administrators only. An Administrator (or Admin) is a user with Administrator privileges (permissions). See Understand admin settings to know more.

7: Add

Allows you to add entities.

8: Edit

Allows you to edit entities.

9: View

Allows you to control and view information.

10: Jobs

Displays the Jobs view in which a job is displayed as the main parent row and resources allocated to the job are displayed under the job as child rows.

11: Resources

Displays the default Resource view in which a resource is displayed as the main parent row and jobs allocated to the resource are displayed as child rows.

12: Results/Apply/Clear all/Discard changes

Apply or Clear all the applied filter conditions or Discard changes while building up the filter conditions. See filter for more information. The number of records that match the filter conditions is shown in the filter pane.

13: Filters

Toggles the filter pane allowing you to filter to view relevant information.

14: Planner or Planner Grid

A grid where bookings can be created by selecting one or more cells.

15: Filters Job/Resource View

A caption that is displayed when the Filter pane is in view.

16: Job

Allows you to search for (or filter) a job.

17: Resource

Allows you to search for (or filter) a resource.

18: Booking

Allows you to filter a booking.

19: Columns

Allows you to choose details to display in the columns.

20: Sort

Allows you to sort on a column by selecting the column from the dropdown.

21: Resource/Job column

Resource/Job details are displayed in the resource/job column.

22: Date bar

Allows you to scroll, expand or contract the visible date range.

23: Date dropdown

Allows you to control the visible units of time to display.

24: Today

Allows you to set the beginning of the visible date range to the current date.

25: Booking pane

Displayed after clicking a booking.

26: Resource pane

Displayed after clicking on the name of the resource in the planner.

27: Job pane

Displayed after clicking on a job name in the planner.

28: Booking bars

Bookings are displayed visually by means of booking bars.

29: Logout

Logs you out of the application

30: Show/Hide jobs/resources/roles

Allows you to show/hide jobs/resources and roles

31: Applied filters

Displays the filters that have been applied to the plan

32: Help

Displays the Help documentation

33: Support contact information

Displays contact details for support

34: The left navigation menu

This terms makes an appearance frequently in this documentation. It refers to all the menu options that are displayed in this (blue) section on the left

35: Toggle to expand and collapse all grid rows

By default, rows are expanded in the Jobs view and collapsed in the Resources view

36: Toggle to expand and collapse individual grid rows

Individual rows on the grid can be expanded and collapsed by using the toggle

37: Role

Allows you to filter roles

38: Role pane

Displayed after clicking on a role in the Planner/Role inbox

39: Suggestions pane

Allows you to view suggested resources. Enabled after clicking on Draft or Requested criteria roles

40: Find resources

Allows you to find resources based on your criteria for staffing purposes

41: Scenario details pane

Displays scenarios

42: Table view

Allows you to manage resource time in hours in a tabulated format as a Table view

43: Roles

Displays the Roles inbox

44: Timesheets

Displays timesheets

45: Roles board

Published criteria roles are displayed on the Roles board

46: Notifications

Notifications inform about actions of interest to you that have been performed in the application.

47: Operation log

Displays a record of duplicate job operations and the users who initiated these duplications, allowing you to track progress and success of the duplications. See operation log for further information.