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Notifications inform about actions of interest to you that have been performed in the application.

Certain events in the application will trigger notifications which will include information relevant to the event. As an example, if you have been booked on a job, you will receive a notification along with a (local) date and time when the booking occured. Actions available to deal with the notification will depend on your permissions.

You will receive only the most recent notifications when multiple events are triggered from the same entity. For example, when a booking is changed multiple times, you will be notified only of the most recent change along with the most recent date/time. The History tab of the booking will display all the changes that occurred on the booking.


The following are some examples of booking events which will trigger a notification:

- You have been booked to a job
- A booking assigned to you has been edited
- A booking assigned to you has been deleted

The following are some examples of role events which will trigger a notification:

- A request is made from a role you manage
- Your request has been rejected
- Your request is made 'live'

View notifications

  1. Click on Notifications on the left menu
  2. A list of your notifications, with the most recent on top, will be displayed
  3. Click Show more to display the next ten notifications

An orange badge is displayed when there are unread notifications. Unread notifications are displayed in bold. Clicking on an unread notification will mark it as read.


Read notifications are automatically deleted after 30 days.

Action a notification

Four types of actions are available:

  1. Mark as read (only displayed for unread notifications) - marks a notification as read
  2. Mark as unread (only displayed for read notifications) - marks a notification as unread
  3. Delete - deletes a notification from the list
  4. Create a booking (only displayed for certain events when you have the relevant permissions). Actioning this notification will display the progress roles dialog with the specific role selected

Click on the 3-dot menu on a notification to action it.

Notifications by email

You can receive email notifications if you opt in. Your administrator may already have enabled email notifications by default for your organisation. Notifications are sent as an individual email only showcasing one notification at a time or as a bundle where you receive all of the notifications of that day or week in one email. Status indicators in the emails allow you to quickly identify the status of the notification such as a new booking, role by name, an unassigned booking, etc.

Configure notification preferences

Turn each notification type on or off, and include or exclude notifications from email updates. Admin users can configure defaults for new users as per company requirements.

To manage the type and delivery method of notifications you wish to receive:

  1. Select Notifications from the left menu and then select the Settings tab on the Notifications page
  2. Make your selections of the notifications you wish to receive by clicking the respective checkbox under the methods of delivery:

    • web app: notifications will be received in the History tab of Notifications page
      • email: notifications will be received via email
  3. Select the frequency at which you wish to receive notifications

  4. Click Save changes


  • Instant emails may sometimes be delayed by up to 10 minutes
  • Email notifications require web app notifications to be enabled
  • Only active users that have previously logged into Retain Cloud will receive emails
  • For the Weekly option, an email is sent every week with all the notifications generated in the past 7 days that have not been read at the time of sending. Email is sent out on Mondays at 1:00 AM