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A user with Administrator permissions. Admins are able to make changes to Admin settings.


An alias is a more familiar term that can be used throughout your application. Add aliases to make unfamiliar terms more recognisable.


How free people are.

Availability is the percentage of working time that is not consumed by other bookings over the observed date range. Availability will always be 0% - 100%

Available hours

The number of working hours a resource has available over the observed date range. Contingency hours do not count.


A booking represents an allocation of a resource to a job for a specific date range and is of a measurable number of hours. Bookings can be created for jobs such as Project Management or Testing and also for jobs such as Holidays or Sick Leave. Every booking must be made against a job.

Current booking

Current bookings are the bookings that start on the current day or are still in progress on the current day.


The term ‘Clients’ refers to your organisation’s clients or customers. A client may have several jobs.

Charge code

A charge code defines a specific type of job, for example, Paid Leave. Every charge code will have charge rates.

Charge rate

Charge rates are revenue rates for different charge codes for specific time ranges.


A conflict is a clash of bookings. Conflicts can occur when the same resource is assigned to one or more bookings during the same time period.

Contingency time

The time allocated during planning for unscheduled events.

Details pane

This is the window displayed on the right-hand side of the planner when one or several bookings are selected. The details pane displays information about the selected bookings.

Display density

The amount of information that is displayed on the booking bar.


Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a standard concept of measuring time spent vs expected working time.

Functional access

Access to certain areas of the application that perform a specific function.


The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individual citizens of the European Union and the European Economic Area. It addresses the use, storage and transfer of personal data.

Historic record

A child record of a Job or a Resource is regarded as historic if it has no current or future bookings.


Bring data into the application.


A job is a project, task or piece of work that requires a resource. A job may be created for activities such as Project Management or Testing, and also for activities such as Vacations or Sick Leaves.

Loading threshold

Loading threshold is simply the threshold above which conflicts are displayed visually.

Lookups or lists

Handy lists that may be used in the application. For example, you may create a list of locations which may contain values such as London, Paris or New York.


A phrase used to authenticate credentials instead of a password.


Plans are saved instances of filtered records. They offer a view of the records that you are interested in. Plan can be public or private.

Planning data

Planning data simply refers to either a Job, Resource, Booking, Role or Client

Planning data security access

Rules that control access to Jobs, Resources, Clients and/or Bookings


Resource refers to materials, staff, or other assets that can be utilised by an organisation to function effectively. Any item that can perform a job and if of a measurable number of hours might be considered a resource. Staff, training rooms and machinery are examples of resources.

Skills section

Skills are grouped and placed into skills section.


Tags are labels that can be attached to skills. Tags make finding a skill easier, especially when the skill may be known by a different name.


How busy people are.

The percentage of a resource's working time in the observed date range that has been consumed by the time allocation booked on jobs that contribute to utilisation.

Utilisation typically correlates to chargeable or billable work and is a minimum of 0% and can exceed 100% when:

  • the time allocation of a booking exceeds a resource's working time
  • contingency time is included in a booking (by using the booking option to include non-work days)