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Timesheets allow you to view and log your hours against multiple jobs, one week at a time. Timesheets are displayed by default. If you do not want this option, it can be switched off by getting in touch with our support team.

View Timesheets

  1. Click Timesheets from the left navigation bar
  2. Timesheet for the current week is displayed
  3. Select a different date from Show timesheet from to view the timesheet for that week

Log hours

  1. Select a timesheet to view
  2. Select +Add Job and select a job from the value picker. Jobs already added to the timesheet will be hidden to avoid accidental deletion
  3. Simply log or edit your time for the job you have added
  4. You can add more jobs if required
  5. Click Save

Delete a Job

  1. Click the bin icon to delete a job


  • You can select to view timesheets up to 12 months prior to the current week
  • You can edit/log your hours up to 12 months prior to the current week
  • You cannot fill timesheets for future weeks