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Filter to view relevant information

  1. If the filter pane is not visible, click the filters icon (highlighted) to display the filter pane
  2. You can filter on Jobs, Resources, Bookings or Roles
  3. Click the arrow next to Resources, Jobs, Bookings or Roles and select the fields that you want to filter on
  4. Add 'And' and/or 'Or' criteria if necessary. The same field can be used more than once
  5. Use Discard changes to revert the filters to the last saved state before you made changes (The trash icon can be used to remove individual filters)
  6. Click Apply
  7. The results are filtered and displayed. The number of results is displayed on the top right. You can also save your applied filters as a plan on the Plans page
  8. Use Clear all to clear all filters, if needed, after you have clicked Apply

The total number of applied filters is displayed next to the filter symbol as shown below:


You can add an unlimited number of filters.

Edit applied filters

Simply edit the filters as and when necessary and click Apply.

Delete filters

Click the trash icon next to a filter to delete.

Rearrange applied filters

Use the drag icon to drag a filter row and drop it at a new position. Your selected filter values remain unchanged. Only the position (and therefore the ordering) will change (If all the filter lines are AND statements, the ordering will not make a difference).

  1. Hover over the drag icon next to a filter. The cursor changes to a drag cursor
  2. Click, hold the left mouse button and drag the filter row
  3. A green line indicates potential places where the filter row can be dropped
  4. Drop the filter row


You can only drag a filter row within a section.

Save Filters

To save the applied filters:

  1. Click on the name of your plan
  2. Click Save Changes