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Setting up Skills

Understand the skill structure

The skills that you set up here are displayed in your talent profile.

The total number of Skills, Levels and Fields that you can add is dependent on your licence. By default, you can configure up to 10 skill types, with each type supporting a limit of 250 skills with up to 5 levels and 3 fields. A counter displays the total number available and used. The buttons to add (and duplicate) skills will be disabled after the limit is reached. A warning will be displayed when you are close to your licence's permitted limit. You may contact us to increase your limit.

Skill Types

  • Skills are organised and displayed as Skill Types
  • Each Skill Type has a list of associated skills


  • Skill Type: Languages Skills: German, French or Italian
  • Skill Type: Industry Skills: Software, FinTech, Pharma
  • Skill Type: Software Skills: Java, SQL Server


  • Tags are labels that can be attached to skills
  • Tags make finding a skill easier, especially when the skill may be known by a different name
  • Tags can be abbreviations, related skills or any additional information
  • A skill can have unlimited tags, but tags are not mandatory


  • For the skill Soft Skills, tags may be Adaptability, Communications skills, Collaborating
  • For the skill Management, tags may be Stakeholder communication, Business development
  • For the skill Software Development, tags may be C++, Java, C#


  • Levels can be applied to all skills of a particular skill type
  • You may define a skill type with no levels, or define a skill type with your own custom levels


  • Skill type: Software tools
  • Custom levels: "Proficiency"
  • Levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert

Users that add a skill of this type will be able to save their Proficieny level in the skill e.g. Microsoft Word: Expert


  • Each skill type may have additional fields
  • Some examples of skill fields: Additional years of experience, Courses taken
  • You can either add new fields or use existing skill fields that have been added for other skill types

Work with Skill Types

Add a skill type

  1. Select Settings → Skills → Add an item from the left navigation menu. An untitled entry will be created
  2. Enter the name of the skill type
  3. Press Enter
  4. You may then add skills to the skill type

Add skills to a skill type

  1. Add a skill type if one has not been added already or select the skill type to which you wish to add skills
  2. Select the Skills tab and click Add a skill. A section will be displayed. Enter Skill name (mandatory)
  3. Click on + New Tag to type a tag. Press Enter to apply the tags. Multiple tags may be entered
  4. Save

Duplicate a skill type

You may wish to duplicate an existing skill type. You can do this by using the Duplicate option.

  • Duplicating a skill type will create a new skill type which will have the same details as the original
  • The skills from the original skill type will be copied over to the duplicate
  • The new skill type will have the following title: 'the original skill type' (number of copy)
  • For example, if skill type Software Skills is duplicated, the new skill type will have the title Software Skills 1
  • If the duplicate is being made from a skill type that has been saved (to the database), the skill levels of the duplicate will be set to 'Use levels from the original skill type'
  • If the duplicate is being made from a skill type that has been saved (to the database), the skill fields of the duplicate will be the same as the original
  • If the duplicate is being made from a skill type that has been saved (to the database), then after the duplicate is saved, the skill levels of the duplicate will be set to 'custom levels' and will then be independent from the original
  • If the duplicate is being made from a skill type that has not been saved (to the database), then all the skills and levels of the original will be copied over to the duplicate

To duplicate a skill type:

  1. Select Settings → Skills → Skill types from the left navigation menu
  2. Select the skill type that you wish to duplicate
  3. Click 3-dot menu next to the name of the skill type and click Duplicate
  4. Click Save changes

Delete a skill type

  1. Select Settings → Skills from the left navigation menu
  2. Select the skill type that you wish to delete
  3. Click the 3-dot menu and then click Delete
  4. Confirm the deletion

Work with Skill Levels

Add a Level to a skill type

  1. Select Settings → Skills from the left navigation menu. A column of skill types will be displayed
  2. Select a skill type
  3. Select the Levels tab
  4. You may add a custom skill level or use an existing skill level

Add a custom skill level

  1. Add a level to the skill type if you have not done so already
  2. Select Custom Level from the dropdown
  3. Give a name to your levels. In the screenshot above, the name that has been given is 'Levels'
  4. Click Add Levels
  5. As an example, you may enter Junior in the first row, click Add Levels again and enter Intermediate in the second row and so on
  6. Save changes

Use an existing skill level

You may use existing levels that have been added to other skill types.

  1. Add a level to the skill type if you have not done so already
  2. Select Use levels from from the first dropdown
  3. Select the Skill type from the second dropdown. Levels of this selected skill type will be used
  4. Give a name to your level
  5. The levels for your selected skill type will be displayed. You may edit and change these levels as necessary
  6. Clicking Save changes will apply the levels to your selected skill type

Reorder levels

  1. Click the icon as shown above to reorder levels
  2. The current level will be indicated
  3. Select the new level from the list

Work with Fields

  1. Select Settings → Skills → Skill Types from the left navigation menu. A column of skill types will be displayed
  2. Select a skill type
  3. Select the Fields tab
  4. Click add a field

Add a new field

  1. Select the field type
  2. Enter a unique field name and add a description
  3. Select whether the field should be mandatory or not
  4. You may have to fill in extra fields depending on your chosen field type
  5. Save changes