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Structure APIs

Get a list of tables that can be queried


Get a list of all tables that can be queried.

Entry point

GET /api/structure


Use the bearer token obtained from GetBearerToken for authorisation.


No parameter needed.

Resource URL



If successful, returns the following:

  • 200 OK
  • Success
  • A list of tables

else returns one of the following response codes as a string:

  • 400 - Bad request
  • 401 - Unauthorised
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

Example response

Returns the following on success:


Get a list of tables


Retrieve a list of tables as rich structures.

Entry point

GET /api/structure/tablestructure


Use the bearer token obtained from GetBearerToken for authorisation.


No parameter needed.

Resource URL



If successful, returns the following:

  • 200 OK
  • Success
  • a list of tables as structures

else returns one of the following response codes as a string:

  • 400 - Bad request
  • 401 - Unauthorised
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

Example: Retrieve the structure for all tables

Enter {} in the Request body to retrieve the structure for all tables.

On success, the following will be returned:

        "name": "booking",
        "alias": "booking",
        "description": "booking",
        "explanation": "booking",
        "readOnly": false
        "name": "bookingcomment",
        "alias": "bookingcomment",
        "description": "bookingcomment",
        "explanation": "bookingcomment",
        "readOnly": false

Get field names of a table


Gets a list of field names belonging to a table.

Entry point

GET /api/structure/fieldnames


Use the bearer token obtained from GetBearerToken for authorisation.

Path Parameters

Enter the name of the table as a string:

Name Mandatory Description Default value Example
Table Yes Table name Booking

Resource URL



If successful, returns code 200: SUCCESS and a list field names of the table as follows:


If unsuccessful returns the following response codes as a string:

  • 400 - Bad request
  • 401 - Unauthorised
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

Get info about fields of a table


Gets field name and field information like datatypes etc. for all the fields belonging to a table.

Entry point

GET /api/structure/fieldstructure


Use the bearer token obtained from GetBearerToken for authorisation.

Path Parameters

Enter the name of the table as a string:

Name Mandatory Description Default value Example
Table Yes Table name Booking

Resource URL



If successful, returns code 200:SUCCESS and a structure of fields and field info.
else returns one of the following response codes as a string:

  • 400 - Bad request
  • 401 - Unauthorised
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

Example response

Returns the following structure for every field on success:

        "name": "booking_guid",
        "alias": "booking_guid",
        "description": "booking_guid",
        "explanation": "booking_guid",
        "readOnly": true,
        "category": "Data",
        "dataType": "ID",
        "uiFieldCategory": "SystemHidden",
        "hideInUI": false,
        "linkTable": null,
        "linkColumn": null
        "name": "booking_time",
        "alias": "booking_time",
        "description": "booking_time",
        "explanation": "booking_time",
        "readOnly": false,
        "category": "Data",
        "dataType": "Float",
        "uiFieldCategory": "SystemRequired",
        "hideInUI": false,
        "linkTable": null,
        "linkColumn": null

Get detailed info about fields of a table


Gets detailed information about table fields including additional meta-info like defined data limits for all the fields belonging to a table.

Entry point

GET /api/structure/richfieldstructure


Use the bearer token obtained from GetBearerToken for authorisation.

Path Parameters

Enter the name of the table as a string:

Name Mandatory Description Default value Example
Tablename Yes Table name Booking

Resource URL



If successful, returns code 200: SUCCESS and a structure of fields and detailed field info
else returns one of the following response codes as a string:

  • 400 - Bad request
  • 401 - Unauthorised
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

Example response

Returns the following structure for every field on success:

        "name": "booking_guid",
        "alias": "Unique system ID",
        "description": "",
        "explanation": "",
        "readOnly": true,
        "category": "Data",
        "dataType": "ID",
        "uiFieldCategory": "SystemHidden",
        "hideInUI": false,
        "linkTable": null,
        "linkColumn": null,
        "defaultValues": {
            "value": null,
            "valueGuid": null,
            "isInherited": null
        "accessLevel": "ReadOnly",
        "fieldStorageSize": null,
        "mandatory": false,
        "min": null,
        "max": null,
        "iscustom": false,
        "fieldtype": "Guid",
        "length": null
        "name": "booking_time",
        "alias": "hours booked in total",
        "description": "",
        "explanation": "",
        "readOnly": false,
        "category": "Data",
        "dataType": "Float",
        "uiFieldCategory": "SystemRequired",
        "hideInUI": false,
        "linkTable": null,
        "linkColumn": null,
        "defaultValues": {
            "value": null,
            "valueGuid": null,
            "isInherited": null
        "accessLevel": "Editable",
        "fieldStorageSize": null,
        "mandatory": true,
        "min": -2000000000.00000,
        "max": 2000000000.00000,
        "iscustom": false,
        "fieldtype": "Decimal number",
        "length": null,
        "decimalPlace": null