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Upload and Attach Documents

The Upload documents feature allows you to upload and attach documents to jobs, clients, resources and bookings provided you have Edit permissions. Documents can be uploaded by clicking on the Upload documents button while creating or editing the planning data. The Upload documents button is found in the Documents section for jobs, clients, resources and bookings. For the Talent Profile, it is found on the top command bar. The ability to attach documents will depend on your licence.

To upload a document:

  1. Click Upload documents
  2. Select the document to upload from your file browser. Click Open. If document satisfies the requirements, it will get uploaded
  3. Click Save changes to attach the document
  4. You may click on the document link to view the uploaded document
  5. To delete documents, click the 3-dot menu next to the uploaded document and click Delete


The following restrictions apply to uploads:

- File size should be less than 2MB 
- File format: pdf, doc, docx 
- maximum number of files: 3 documents for every job/booking/client/resource/role